9-8 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring E1 Cards
Specifying E1 signaling
admin> set line frame-type = [G703|2DS|D4|esf]
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying E1 signaling
An E1 line’s signaling mode can be any of the following:
• DPNSS (DPNSS or DASS 2 signaling)
• Channel-associated signaling (CAS). CAS signaling modes includes the following:
– E1-R2-Signaling (R2 signaling)
– E1-Argentina-Signaling
– E1-Brazil-Signaling
– E1-Chinese-Signaling (R2 signaling used in China)
– E1-Czech-Signaling
– E1-India-Signaling
– E1-Korean-Signaling (R2 signaling used in Korea)
– E1-Malaysia-Signaling
– E1-Metered-Signaling (metered R2 signaling, used in Brazil and South Africa)
– E1-Philippine-Signaling
– E1-P7-Signaling (R2 P7)
– R1-Inband
In the E1 profile Line-Interface subprofile, configure E1 signaling as follows:
admin> read e1 {1 2 1}
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line signaling-mode = signalingmode
admin> write
E1/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Replace signalingmode with one of the modes listed above. If you are using one of the
CAS signaling modes, you must also set the Switch-Type parameter to CAS.
For more information on the E1 signaling parameters, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT
Configuring ISDN PRI signaling
For ISDN signaling you must also specify the type of switch providing E1/PRI service to your
TAOS unit. Obtain the information from your ISDN carrier.
When you set the signaling mode to ISDN, you must also set channel 17 as the D channel.
Note that ISDN signaling often requires ESF framing and B8ZS encoding.