Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 18-19
Number of T308 expiry events: 0
Last L3 counters reset timestamp: [02/16/1999 10:33:31]
Data Transport Layer:
Number of link fail-overs: 0
Number of persistent errors: 0
Last error: No Error
Last error status change timestamp: [01/01/1990 00:00:00]
When errors are detected, the command output displays the fields explained in the previous
section plus the following additional information:
Cause codes for SS7 ASGCP calls to the TAOS unit
The TAOS unit reports cause codes to the signaling gateway via ASGCP when it initiates a call
clearing. The following ASGCP messages carry cause code information.
• Disconnect
• Release
• Release Complete
• Restart Acknowledgement (cause optional)
• Status
The TAOS unit currently reports the cause codes defined by ITU-T Recommendation Q.850.
For definitions of the individual cause values, refer to Q.850. Note the following:
• The TAOS unit reports Normal call clearing (16) if a TAOS unit modem times out on a
modem call.
Output field Description
Number of memory
allocation failures
Number of times the TAOS unit could not allocate
memory for packets traveling between call control and
layer 3.
These errors might occur if the TAOS unit does not have
a 32-MB DRAM card installed.
Number of errors in
profile operations
Number of times the TAOS unit could not register the
SS7-Gateway profile or read or update a T1 profile.
Number of invalid memory
Number of empty packets received by IPDC layer 3.
Used for IPDC only.
Number of internal errors
Number of internal errors.
Number of errors in
Number of errors that occurred during the initialization
of the SS7 ASG interface.
Memory pools
Number of buffer pool allocations that failed.
Number of failures that occurred during the creation or
operation of the mailboxes used for interlayer