17-34 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
2 Specify the following values:
– Name=Frame Relay
– Active=Yes
– Call Type=Nailed
3 If your Pipeline supports it, set LinkUp to Yes:
– LinkUp=Yes
Note that this parameter does not appear in recent versions of Pipeline software.
4 Exit the Frame-Relay profile and save your changes.
Sample SDSL Frame Relay configuration using system-based routing
This section describes a common SDSL application. In this example, the SDSL line is a leased
connection over a single pair of wires, using Frame Relay as the transport protocol (see
Figure 17-6). The example uses system-based routing. In system-based routing each system
has an IP address. The system routes traffic based on the destination address in packets and the
next-hop system.
This example uses SDSL, but you can configure an ADSL connection similarly.
Figure 17-6. Example SDSL setup with system-based routing
Configuring an SDSL connection requires the following general steps:
• Configuring the Connection profile
• Configuring the SDSL profile
• Configuring the Frame-Relay profile
• Configuring the DSLPipe-S
Configuring the Connection profile
To configure the Connection profile:
1 Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection sdsl-pipeline
2 Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
DSLPipe address
local loop (SDSL)
MAX TNT system IP adress