Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-25
admin> write
Configuring a static route to the gateway
To configure a static route to the gateway:
1 Read in the IP-Route Default profile:
admin> read ip-route default
2 Enter the address of the Gateway on the local LAN to the remote network.
set gateway-address =
3 Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Pipeline
Note: When configuring a remote ISDN device to attach to the IDSL line card, always select
ATT 5ESS Point-to-Point as the switch type. The IDSL line card can only emulate the ATT
5ESS Point-to-Point switch. (On a Pipeline, you can specify an IDSL switch type. This
selection emulates an ATT 5ESS Point-to-Point switch with en-bloc dialing support, which can
be used for IDSL voice calls.)
Before you configure the Pipeline, make sure the PC connected to the Pipeline has an IP
address on the same subnet as the Pipeline, and that the IP address of the Pipeline is configured
as the default gateway for the PC.
Configuring the Configure profile
The Pipeline Configure profile allows you to set up the basic parameters for a connection. To
configure the Pipeline Configure profile:
1 From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.
2 Specify the following values:
– Switch Type=IDSL
– Chan Usage=Leased/Unused
– My Name=pipeline
– My Addr=
– Rem Name=idsltnt
– Rem Addr=
– Route=IP
3 Exit and save the Configure profile.
Configuring the Frame Relay profile
The Frame Relay profile defines the physical link used by the Connection profile to connect to
the DSLTNT. To configure the Frame Relay profile:
1 Open the Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile
2 Specify the following values: