Performing Basic Configuration
Setting the system date
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 1-5
Setting the system date
If the system date displayed on your screen is incorrect, set the correct date and time with the
Date command. For example, to set the date and time to October 22, 2000, 8:50 in the
admin> date 0010220850
The format for setting the date and time is ymmddhhmm. Enter the hour in military (24-hour)
Setting the system name
You can assign the TAOS unit a system name of up to 24 characters. Because the system name
is used for authenticating connections, keep it relatively simple and use only standard
Here is an example of how to set the TAOS unit system name:
admin> read system
admin> list
name = ""
system-rmt-mgmt = no
use-trunk-groups = no
idle-logout = 0
parallel-dialing = 5
single-file-incoming = yes
admin> set name = apx01
admin> write
Setting the log level
While you are configuring the TAOS unit, you might want to increase the log level to display
messages that can help you debug configuration settings. First display the current settings, then
enter a new log level.
To display the system-wide event-logging parameters, use the Read and List commands:
admin> read log
LOG read
admin> list
save-level = info
save-number = 100
syslog-enabled = no
host =
facility = local0