14-2 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Overview of DS3-ATM settings
[in DS3-ATM/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 9
nailed-group = 1
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
loopback = no-loopback
high-tx-output = no
framer-mode = C-BIT-PLCP
vpi-vci-range = 0-15/32-4095
traffic-shapers = [ { no 1000 1000 2 no 0 } { no 1000 1000 2 no 1 } {+
cell-payload-scramble = yes
Parameter Specifies
Name Name of the interface. The default value is the interface address in
:slot:item format (for example, 1:2:3), but you can assign
a text string of up to 16 characters.
Physical-Address Physical address of the DS3-ATM port in the TAOS unit.
Enable/disable the DS3-ATM interface. (Disabled by default.)
When the interface is disabled, it transmits the DS3 Idle Signal to
the far end.
Trunk-Group Not currently used. Leave the default value (9).
Nailed-Group Nailed-group number for the DS3-ATM physical interface. A Con-
nection or RADIUS profile specifies this number to make use of
the interface. Each interface must be assigned a number from 1 to
1024 that is unique within the system.
Activation Line activation mode. Only the
static setting is currently sup-
Not currently used. Leave the default value (the zero address).
Loopback Enable/disable loopback for diagnosing connectivity or possible
equipment problems. Loopback is disabled by default, which is
required for normal operations. For details, see “Looping back the
line” on page 14-4.
High-Tx-Output Enable/disable high transmit output. The default is
no, which is
correct for DS3-ATM cables that are less than 255 feet (78m) long.
For cables longer than 255 feet, set this parameter to
DS3-ATM framer mode.Valid values are C-bit-ADM and C-
BIT-PLCP (the default).
You can specify C-bit Physical Layer
Convergence Protocol (PLCP) or C-bit ATM Direct Mapping
(ADM) framing format for a DS3-ATM interface. Both sides of a
DS3-ATM link must agree about the framing format.
The PLCP format incurs some overhead for framing. ADM format
does not. When ADM framing is used, the entire DS3 payload is
used for ATM cells.
VPI-VCI-Range Valid range of VCI numbers to be used with specified VPIs for vir-
tual channel connections (VCCs). For details about setting the
VPI-VCI range, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT ATM Con-
figuration Guide.