18-12 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
per-line basis. Both the native 2-wire continuity check
(GR-246-CORE Section B.2) and 4-wire-to-2-wire emulation
(GR-246-CORE Section B.3) are supported.
Note: Outgoing continuity tests are supported only on T1 and T3 cards. E1 cards support
receipt of 4-wire continuity check requests only, and cannot originate continuity tests.
The SS7-Continuity subprofile in the T1 profile allows you to specify the type of incoming and
outgoing continuity checks to perform for all channels on a line. Both ends of the connection
must agree on the continuity check to be used for the line. Following are the relevant
parameters, shown with default values:
[in T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 1 }:line-interface:ss7-continuity]
incoming-procedure = loopback
outgoing-procedure = single-tone-2010
The type of the continuity check procedure to be used is determined by line provisioning and is
agreed upon by the connecting exchanges. SS7 signaling procedures used for continuity check
(Q.764 Section G.3, ANSI T1.113.4 Section 2.1.6) are the same for both 4-wire and 2-wire
circuits, but the behavior of trunk termination devices is different.
The native 2-wire continuity check procedure requires that the loopback be replaced by a
transponder and that a 1780Hz ± 20Hz tone be used in the return direction.
Parameter Specifies
Loopback or transponder test mode. The loopback setting (the
default) places the channel into loopback mode during the
continuity test. This mode must be used if the line is provisioned
for an incoming 4-wire continuity test. The transponder
setting places the channel into Tone Transponder mode during the
continuity test. In this mode, the channel can detect two tones:
2010Hz and 1780Hz. When either tone is detected, the other one is
returned. This mode should be used for lines provisioned for
incoming 2-wire and 4-wire-to-2-wire continuity checks.
Outgoing-Procedure Type of continuity check. With the single-tone-2010 setting
(the default), the TAOS unit sends a 2010Hz tone and expects to
receive a 2010Hz tone in return. This procedure is generally
known as a 4-wire continuity check.
With the send-2010-expect-1780 setting, the TAOS unit
sends a 2010Hz tone and expects to receive 1780Hz tone in return.
This procedure is generally known as a 2-wire continuity check.
With the send-1780-expect-2010 setting, the TAOS unit
sends a 1780Hz tone and expects to receive a 2010Hz tone in
return. This procedure is generally known as a 4-wire to 2-wire
continuity check.
If you change the type of a continuity check, the new type is used
for new continuity check requests on the line as soon as the line
profile is saved. Existing check-loops that are already active on the
line are not modified or canceled when the profile is saved.