Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Configuring a MultiDSP card
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 6-9
The following example shows a Call-Route profile for the VoIP service (entry is 3) on a
48-port MultiDSP card installed in slot 5:
33 12/10/1999 18:25:32 {{{shelf-1 slot-5 0} 0} 3}
About the Call-Route-Type parameter
Each Call-Route profile contains the Call-Route-Type parameters specific to that profile. The
Call-Route parameters might require configuration.
One Call-Route parameter, Call-Route-Type, specifies the type of call that the MAX TNT can
route to a host device. The following Call-Route-Type values apply to MultiDSP services.
Use the read call-route and list commands to view a specific profile’s parameters.
To identify the specific profile, you must include the profile’s index. The following example
shows Call Route parameters for the profile that covers the V.110 service (entry field is 4),
for a unit with a MultiDSP card in slot 5:
admin> read call-route { { { shelf-1 slot-50}0}4}
CALL-ROUTE/{ { { shelf-1 slot-50}0}4}
admin> list
[in CALL-ROUTE/{{{shelf-1 slot-5 } 0 4 }]
index* ={{{shelf-1 slot-5 0}0}4}
trunk-group = 0
phone-number = ““
preferred-source={{any-shelf any-slot0}0}
call-route-type = v110-call-type
Call-Route profile
entry field number
Associated MultiDSP service type
Call-Route-Type values for
MultiDSP services
Voice-Call-Type Call type for analog mode calls. The unit can route voice
bearer calls, excluding 3.1KHz audio calls, to a host
Digital-Call-Type Call type for digital calls. The unit can route digital calls,
including 3.1KHz audio bearer channels, to a host device.
PHS-Call-Type Call type for PHS calls.
VOIP-Call-Type Call type for VoIP calls. VoIP calls can be routed to a host
device that accepts VoIP calls.
V110-Call-Type Call type for V.110 calls. Digital calls recognized as
containing V.110 rate-adapted bearer channels can be
routed to a host device.