17-28 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
6 Verify that IP routing is enabled (the default) for this Connection profile:
admin> set ip-routing-enabled = yes
7 Verify that VJ header prediction is not enabled for this Connection profile:
admin> set vj-header-prediction = no
8 List the PPP-Options submenu:
admin> list .. ppp-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:ppp-options]
send-auth-mode = no-ppp-auth
send-password = ""
recv-password = ""
link-compression = stac
mru = 1524
lqm = no
lqm-minimum-period = 600
lqm-maximum-period = 600
split-code-dot-user-enabled = no
9 Specify the authentication mode that the DSLTNT requests for the outgoing call:
admin> set send-auth-mode = pap-ppp-auth
10 Specify the password that the DSLTNT sends to the DSLPipe:
admin> set send-password = pap
11 Specify the password that the DSLTNT expects to receive from the DSLPipe:
admin> set recv-password = pap
12 List the Telco-Options submenu:
admin> list .. telco-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:telco-options]
answer-originate = ans-and-orig
callback = no
call-type = off
nailed-groups = 1
ft1-caller = no
force-56kbps = no
data-service = 56k-clear
13 Specify the call type:
admin> set call-type= ft1
14 Specify the nailed group to use for this Connection profile:
admin> set nailed-groups = 73
15 Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the DSLPipe
To configure the DSLPipe in this example:
1 From the Main Edit menu, select Configure.