18-6 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Specifying the SS7 control protocol
With the appropriate software license, TAOS supports either ASGCP and IPDC 0.12 control
protocol. If only one of the possible control protocols (asgcp or ipdc-0.X) is licensed on
the TAOS unit, the Control-Protocol parameter defaults to the licensed protocol and cannot be
modified. However, if both protocols are licensed, the parameter defaults to asgcp. Because
of this default and because the TAOS unit does not store unmodified profile items in NVRAM,
the setting can be modified unintentionally when you upgrade to new software or enable a new
license to support a second control protocol. For this reason, Lucent recommends that you
verify the setting after upgrading. If the proper protocol is not specified, change the setting and
then reset the unit.
Although the control protocol is configurable in real time, you must reset the system to begin
using the new protocol. After the TAOS unit is reset, it establishes a new TCP link to the
signaling gateway and begins communicating with it using the specified control protocol.
Configuring transport-layer options
Administrators occasionally need to change the duration of various SS7 DDL timers to
fine-tune a signaling link. For example, you might want to change timeouts when integrating a
TAOS unit with existing signaling gateways. The following parameters, shown with default
values, are used to set TAOS time intervals for waiting and responding to the various signaling
link processes:
[in SS7-GATEWAY:transport-options]
device-id = 0
t1-duration = 1000
t2-duration = 3000
t3-duration = 30000
window-size = 7
ack-threshold = 6
heart-beat = no
System-Type This parameter does not apply when Control-Protocol is set to
asgcp. When Control-Protocol is set to ipdc-0.x, the system
sends its value as an ASCII string to the media gateway controller
in the device registration message. The TAOS unit does not
interpret the value. Interpretation on the signaling gateway is
gateway dependent.
Transport-Options The Transport-Options subprofile contains settings for changing
the operation of SS7 DDL timers. See “Configuring
transport-layer options” on page 18-6.
Enable/disable use of the system address as the source address for
packets generated by the TAOS unit. See “System IP address
considerations” on page 18-7.
Parameter Specifies