15-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards (MAX TNT/DSLTNT)
Overview of OC3-ATM settings
rx-descramble-disabled = no
tx-scramble-disabled = no
rx-cell-payload-descramble-disabled = no
tx-cell-payload-scramble-disabled = no
loop-timing = yes
vpi-vci-range = 0-15/32-4095
clock-source = not-eligible
clock-priority = middle-priority
traffic-shapers = [ { no 1000 1000 2 no 0 } { no 1000 1000 2 no 1 } {+
Parameter Specifies
Name Name of the interface. The default value is the interface address in
:slot:item format (for example, 1:2:3), but you can assign
a text string of up to 16 characters.
Physical-Address Physical address of the OC3-ATM port in the TAOS unit unit.
Enable/disable the OC3-ATM interface. (Disabled by default.)
When the OC3-ATM interface is disabled, it transmits the
OC3-ATM Idle Signal to the far end.
Trunk-Group Not currently used. Leave the default value (zero).
Nailed-Group Nailed-group number for the OC3-ATM physical interface. A
Connection or RADIUS profile specifies this number to make use
of the interface. Each interface must be assigned a number from 1
to 1024 that is unique within the system.
Not currently used. Leave the default value (the zero address).
Loopback Enable/disable loopback for diagnosing connectivity or possible
equipment problems. Loopback is disabled by default, which is
required for normal operations.
Frame format for data transmitted on the interface. Valid settings
sdh (the default) and sonet, which represent the
synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) and synchronous optical
network (SONET) frame formats, respectively.
Framing operations. Only the default STS-3C setting is used,
which represents both the 155.52Mbps interface in the U.S. and
the equivalent European 155.52Mbps
interface (STM-1).
Rx-Descramble-Disabled Enable/disable descrambling of the entire receive stream. This
function is enabled by default. Disable it by setting this parameter
to yes only if the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding
Tx-Scramble-Disabled Enable/disable scrambling of the entire transmit stream. This
function is enabled by default. Disable it by setting this parameter
to yes only if the far-end switch has disabled the corresponding
Enable/disable descrambling of the 48-byte ATM cell payload in
received cells. This function is enabled by default. Disable it by
setting this parameter to yes only if the far-end switch has
disabled the corresponding functions.