6-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring MultiDSP Cards (MAX TNT, APX 8000)
Introduction to MultiDSP
48-port MultiDSP card
The 48-port MultiDSP card supports up to 48 ports of service.
Note: In MAX TNT and APX 8000 profiles and parameters, the 48-port MultiDSP card is
identified as madd or madd-card.
For a MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit with a 48-port MultiDSP card, Lucent recommends that
you limit the number of enabled MultiDSP services to two. Voice over IP (VoIP) is currently
supported on the MAX TNT only.
When two services are supported by the card, one service must be data and the other can be
V.110 PHS or VoIP. The following possible configurations are supported by the 48-port card:
• Data (analog and/or digital) service only
• V.110 service only
• PHS service only
• VoIP service only (MAX TNT only)
• Data and V.110 services
• Data and PHS services
• Data and VoIP services (MAX TNT only)
Downloaded software licenses (hash codes) determine which MultiDSP services are supported
by a particular unit and 48-port MultiDSP card. For example, if a unit is licensed to run both
data and VoIP, the ports on each installed 48-port MultiDSP card can handle data and/or VoIP
96-port MultiDSP card
The 96-port MultiDSP card supports up to 96 ports of service.
Note: In MAX TNT and APX 8000 profiles and parameters, the 96-port MultiDSP card is
identified as madd2-card.
A MAX TNT or APX 8000 unit with a 96-port MultiDSP card installed can have software
licenses for up to two of the following MultiDSP services: data and V.110. The following
possible configurations are supported by the 96-port card:
• Data (analog and/or digital) service only
• V.110 service only
• Data and V.110 services
Downloaded software licenses (hash codes) determine which MultiDSP services are supported
by a particular unit and 96-port MultiDSP card. For example, if a unit is licensed to run both
data and V.110, the ports on each installed 96-port MultiDSP card can handle data and/or V.110