15-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring OC3-ATM Cards (MAX TNT/DSLTNT)
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration
For example, the following commands configure an OC3-ATM port as an eligible clock
source. If this port becomes unavailable and is not backed up, the unit begins using the built-in
clock on the shelf controller.
admin> read oc3-atm { 1 7 1 }
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
admin> set line-config clock-source = eligible
admin> set line-config clock-priority = high
admin> write
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } written
Example of an OC3-ATM configuration
In this example, the administrator enables an OC3-ATM interface in slot 7, assigns the nailed
group number 222 to the interface, and sets the VPI-VCI range to allow an 8-bit VPI number:
admin> read oc3-atm {1 7 1}
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> set line-config nailed-group = 222
admin> set line-config vpi-vci-range = 0-255/32-255
admin> write
OC3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-7 1 } writtens
Note: For details about configuring ATM features and connections, see the APX 8000/MAX
TNT/DSLTNT ATM Configuration Guide.