Taking Photographs—Exposure
P: Programmed Auto
In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture
ac cord ing to a built-in program (see below) for optimal exposure in most
sit u a tions. This mode is recommended for snapshots and other sit u a tions in
which you want to leave the camera in charge of shutter speed and aperture.
Ad just ments can be made using fl exible program, ex po sure com pen sa tion
99), and auto ex po sure bracketing ( 100). Programmed auto is only
available with CPU lenses.
To take photographs in programmed auto:
Press the button and rotate the main com-
mand dial until P is displayed in the viewfi nder
and top control panel.
Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
Non-CPU Lenses
Exposure mode A (aperture-priority auto) is automatically selected when a non-CPU
lens is attached. The exposure mode indicator (P) in the top control panel will blink
and A will be displayed in the viewfi nder. For more information, see “Aperture-Priority
Auto” ( 92).
Exposure Warning
If the limits of the exposure metering system are exceeded, one of the following in di -
ca tors will be dis played in the control panel and viewfi nder:
Indicator Description
Subject too bright. Use optional Neutral Density (ND) fi lter or lower ISO sensitivity (
Subject too dark. Use optional Speedlight or raise ISO sensitivity ( 52).