Taking Photographs—Focus
User selects focus area manually, but camera uses information
from multiple focus areas to de ter mine focus. If sub ject leaves
selected focus area even briefl y, cam era will focus based on
in for ma tion from oth er focus areas (focus area selected in view-
fi nd er does not change). Use when fol low ing erratically moving
subjects in continuous-servo AF and in oth er situations in which
it is diffi cult to keep subject in se lect ed focus area.
• When high-speed crop is on ( 41), focus areas
outside high-speed crop can not be selected, and
camera will not use these areas to determine focus.
area AF
User selects focus area manually; camera focuses on subject in
selected focus area only. Use for relatively static com po si tions
with sub jects that will stay in selected focus area. Focus areas
outside high-speed crop can not be selected when high-speed
crop is on (
area AF
User chooses focus area group (see
right). Camera focuses on center
of selected group; if subject leaves
focus area even briefl y, camera
focuses based on information from
other focus areas in same group.
Use when subject is moving errati-
cally but place of subject in overall
composition is known.
CenterLeft Right
Camera selects focus area containing principal subject closest
to camera. Prevents out-of-focus shots when photographing
erratically moving subjects. Focus area can not be selected
manually, and focus areas are not displayed in viewfi nder or top
control panel. Camera may be unable to select focus area con-
taining closest subject when telephoto lens is used or subject is
poorly lit. Single-area AF is recommended in these cases.
• When high-speed crop is on ( 41), camera will not
select focus areas outside high-speed crop.
area AF
• When high-speed crop is on ( 41), left
and right focus-area groups do not include
focus areas outside high-speed crop.
Left Right