Taking Photographs—Flash Photography
Mount an SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight or SU-800 wireless Speedlight
commander on the camera accessory shoe.
Turn the Speedlight on and set the fl ash mode to TTL or AA (see the
Speedlight instruction manual for details).
Position the subject in the center of the frame
and press the shutter-release button halfway
to focus.
FV Lock
This feature is used to lock fl ash output, allowing photographs to be recom-
posed without changing the fl ash level and ensuring that fl ash output is ap-
propriate to the subject even when the subject is not positioned in the center
of the frame. Flash output is adjusted automatically for any changes in ISO
sensitivity, aperture, and Speedlight zoom head position. FV lock is available
with CLS compatible fl ash units only.
To use FV lock:
Select FV lock for Custom Setting f4 (FUNC.
button; 208).
Press the camera FUNC. button. The Speed-
light will emit a monitor prefl ash to determine
the appropriate fl ash level. Flash output will be
locked at this level and FV lock icons (
and ) will appear in the control panel and
viewfi nder.