Introduction—Getting to Know the Camera
1 8-mm (0.31 in.) reference circle for
center-weighted metering............. 85
2 Focus brackets (focus areas).......... 76
Spot metering targets................... 86
3 Focus indicator ....................... 32, 85
4 Metering ...................................... 86
5 Bracketing indicator.................... 100
6 Autoexposure (AE) lock................. 97
7 Black-and-white indicator ............. 72
8 Shutter-speed lock icon................. 96
9 Shutter speed..........................87–96
10 Aperture lock icon ........................ 96
11 Aperture (f/-number) ...............87–96
Aperture (number of stops)..... 93, 95
12 Exposure mode............................. 87
13 Exposure compensation indicator.. 99
14 Frame count ................................. 28
Number of exposures
remaining..................................... 28
Number of shots remaining
before memory buffer fi lls............. 44
Exposure compensation value....... 99
PC mode indicator...................... 236
15 “K” (appears when memory remains
for over 1000 exposures) .............. 51
16 Flash-ready indicator................... 116
17 Battery indicator ........................... 27
18 FV lock indicator......................... 114
19 Sync indicator............................. 113
20 Aperture stop indicator........... 93, 95
21 Electronic analog exposure
display.......................................... 95
Exposure compensation................ 99
22 Voice memo status indicator....... 149
23 White-balance bracketing
indicator..................................... 105
24 White-balance mode .................... 51
25 Image size .................................... 48
26 Image quality................................ 45
27 ISO sensitivity indicator ................. 52
Auto ISO sensitivity indicator....... 191
28 ISO sensitivity................................ 52
No Battery
When the battery is totally exhausted or no battery is inserted, the display in the view-
fi nder will dim. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. The viewfi nder
display will return to normal when a fully-charged battery is inserted.