Taking Photographs—Focus
a1—AF-C Mode Priority ( 185)
If Focus is selected for Custom Setting a1 (AF-C mode priority), photographs can be
taken in continuous servo-AF only when the camera is in focus. Select FPS rate + AF
for improved focus during continuous shooting.
a2—AF-S Mode Priority ( 185)
If Release is selected for Custom Setting a2 (AF-S mode priority), photographs can
be taken in single servo-AF even when the camera is not in focus.
a5—AF Activation ( 188)
If AF-ON only is selected for Custom Setting a5 (AF activation), the camera will only
focus when one of the AF-ON buttons is pressed, not when the shutter-release button
is pressed halfway.
a8—Vertical AF-ON ( 190)
Custom Setting a8 (Vertical AF-ON) controls whether the AF-ON button for vertical
shooting is used to initiate autofocus, select the focus area, or both.
c2—AE-L / AF-L ( 195)
If desired, the AE-L / AF-L button can perform the same function as the AF-ON button.
The AF-ON Buttons
For the purpose of focusing the camera, pressing either of the AF-ON buttons has the
same effect as pressing the shutter-release button halfway (the AF-ON button for verti-
cal shooting can only be used when the shutter-release button for vertical shooting is