Taking Photographs—Flash Photography
To choose the fl ash sync mode, press the but-
ton and ro tate the main com mand dial until the
de sired fl ash sync mode is se lect ed in the top
con trol panel:
1Available only in ex po sure modes P and A. In modes S and M, (front-cur tain sync)
is selected when button is released.
2In exposure modes P and A, fl ash-sync mode will be set to (slow rear-cur tain sync)
when the button is released.
3 icon blinks if Speedlight does not support red-eye reduction.
4Red-eye reduction with slow sync is available only in exposure modes P and A. In
modes S and M, (red-eye reduction) is selected when the button is released.
Front cur-
tain sync
Slow sync
Rear curtain
Red-eye reduction
with slow sync
3, 4
Shutter Speed and Aperture
Shutter speed and aperture can be set as follows when a Speedlight is used:
Exposure mode Shutter speed Aperture
Programmed auto Set automatically by camera
1, 2
Set automatically by camera
Shutter-priority auto ½
50 s–30 s
Aperture-priority auto Set automatically by camera
1, 2
Value selected by user
Manual ½
50 s–30 s
1Set automatically in the range ½50 s–
60 s, or ½50 s–30 s at fl ash sync settings of slow
sync, slow rear-curtain sync, and red-eye re duc tion with slow sync.
If 1/250 s (Auto FP) is selected for Custom Setting e1 (Flash sync speed) when an op-
tional SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight is used, shutter speeds may be as fast as
8,000 s.
3Flash range varies with aperture. When setting aperture in ex po sure modes A and
M, consult the table of fl ash ranges provided with optional Speedlight.
e1—Flash Sync Speed ( 201)
This option can be used to enable Auto FP High-Speed Sync or limit the fastest sync
speed to a speed slower than ½50 s. To fi x shutter speed at the sync speed limit in ex-
posure modes S and M, select the setting after the slowest possible shutter speed (30 s
or ). An X will be displayed in the fl ash sync indicator in the top control panel.
e2—Flash Shutter Speed ( 201)
This option can be used to limit the slowest shutter speed possible when using an op-
tional Speedlight in programmed auto and aperture-priority auto exposure modes.