Then read “Overview” and “Getting to Know the
Camera” to acquaint your self with the con ven tions
used in this man u al and the names of cam era parts,
then set up the cam era as de scribed in “First Steps.”
How to Read This Manual
First, be aware of the warnings, cautions, and notices on pages ii–vii.
…and on ac ces so ries and trou ble shoot ing.
…on connecting to a com put er, printer, or TV…
…on recording and playing voice memos…
Refer to these chapters for more on playback…
Once you have mastered the basics of dig i tal pho-
tography, you can read these sections for complete
in for ma tion on when and how to use camera
Now you are ready to take photographs and play
them back.
…on cam era menus and cus tom settings…
High-Speed Crop
Using a GPS Unit
Overlay / Multiple Exposure
Two-Button Reset
Non-CPU Lenses
Interval Timer Photography
Self-Timer Mode
Image Quality and Size
ISO Sensitivity
White Balance
Image Adjustment
Flash Photography
First Steps
Getting to Know the Camera
Basic Photography
Choosing a Shooting Mode
Basic Playback
Voice Memos
More About Playback
Technical Notes
Menu Guide
Trimming Photographs