Menu Guide—Custom Settings
Custom settings are used to fi ne-tune a variety of camera settings to suit the
user’s pref er enc es, creating combinations of settings that differ from the fac-
tory defaults in effect at the time your cam era was purchased. In addition to
Custom Settings C (Bank select) and R (Menu reset), settings in the CSM
(Custom Settings) menu are divided into the following six groups:
Custom Settings
Fine-Tuning Camera Settings
Press the multi selector up or down to highlight
the desired group and then press the multi se-
lector to the right. The full list of Custom Settings
a1–f8 will be displayed, starting with the settings
in the selected group. To select a setting in a dif-
ferent group, press the multi selector up or down
scroll until the desired setting is displayed, or press the multi selector to the
left to return the top menu and select a different group. Custom Setting a1
(AF-C mode priority) and f8 (No CF card?) are linked: pressing the multi se-
lector up when Custom Setting a1 is highlighted displays Custom Setting f8,
while pressing the multi selector down while Custom Setting f8 is highlighted
displays Custom Setting a1.
Using the Multi Selector
The multi selector can be used at any time when the monitor is on. The focus selector
lock switch only takes effect when the monitor is off.
Group Custom Settings
Autofocus a1–a8
Metering/exposure b1–b7
Timers/AE&AF lock c1–c5
Shooting/display d1–d6
Bracketing/fl ash e1–e8
Controls f1–f8