Tutorial—Basic Photography
Step 5—Check Exposure
In exposure mode P (programmed auto), the cam-
era automatically sets shutter speed and aperture
when the shutter-release button is pressed half-
way. Before shooting, check the shut ter-speed
and aperture in di ca tors in the viewfi nder. If the
photo would be un der- or over-exposed at cur-
rent settings, one of the fol low ing indicators will
ap pear in either the shutter-speed or ap er ture
Shutter Speed and Camera Shake
To prevent blurring caused by camera shake, the shutter speed should be faster than
the inverse of the focal length of the lens, in seconds (for example, if a lens has a focal
length of 50 mm, shutter speed should be faster than
60 s). Use of a tripod is rec om -
mend ed when shooting at slower shutter speeds. To prevent blur, try increasing ISO
sensitivity ( 52–53) or using a VR lens. An optional Speedlight ( 108) can be used
to prevent blur at shutter speeds of
60 s or slower.
Indicator Description
Photo will be overexposed. Use optional Neutral Density (ND) fi lter.
Photo will be underexposed. Raise ISO sensitivity ( 52–53) or use op-
tional Speedlight ( 108).