Taking Photographs—Focus
Controlling How the Camera Focuses
This section describes the options that control how your camera focuses:
fo cus mode, focus-area selection, and AF-area mode.
Focus Mode
Focus mode is controlled by the focus mode
se lec tor on the front of the camera. There are
two autofocus (AF) modes, in which the cam era
focuses automatically when the shutter-re lease
button is pressed halfway, and one manual focus
mode, in which focus must be adjusted man u al ly
using the focusing ring on the lens:
Camera focuses when shutter-release button is pressed half way. Fo cus
locks when in-focus indicator (●) appears in view fi nd er, and re mains
locked while shutter-release button is pressed halfway (focus lock).
Sin gle-servo
Camera focuses continuously while shutter-release but ton is pressed
halfway. If subject moves, camera will engage predictive fo cus track-
ing to predict fi nal distance to subject and adjust focus as necessary.
At default settings, shutter can be released whether or not subject is in
focus (release priority).
Con tin u ous-
servo AF
Camera does not focus automatically; focus must be adjusted manu-
ally using the lens focusing ring. If max i mum aperture of lens is f/5.6
or faster, view fi nd er fo cus in di ca tor can be used to con fi rm focus
(electronic range fi nd ing), but photographs can be taken at any time,
wheth er or not camera is in focus.
Man u al
Choose single-servo AF for landscapes and other stationary subjects. Con-
tinuous-servo AF may be a better choice with erratically-moving subjects.
Man u al fo cus is rec om mend ed when the cam era is unable to focus using