Taking Photographs—Image Adjustment
Highlight Color mode in the shooting menu
( 168) and press the multi selector to the
High light the de sired op tion and press the
multi se lec tor to the right. The shooting menu
will be displayed.
Matching Colors to the Subject: Color Mode
Much as fi lm cameras offer a choice of fi lms for different subjects, the D2Xs
offers a choice of color modes with subtly different palettes.
Choose for portrait shots.
Choose for photographs that will be extensively processed or
retouched. This option is available only when AdobeRGB is
selected for Color space.
Choose for nature or landscape shots.
Color Space and Color Mode
If sRGB is chosen for Color space when Color mode is set to Mode II, Color mode
will be reset to the mode in effect when sRGB was last selected. Selecting Adobe
RGB for Color space when Black-and-white (sRGB) is selected for Color mode sets
Color mode to II.
Take pictures in black-and-white with a wide tone range suited
a wide variety of subjects, from portraits to landscapes. This op-
tion is only available when sRGB is selected for Color Space.