Introduction—Getting to Know the Camera
1 Shutter speed ..........................87–96
Exposure compensation value....... 99
Number of shots in bracketing
sequence.................................... 100
Number of intervals for
interval timer photography ......... 127
Focal length (non-CPU lens)........ 131
ISO sensitivity................................ 52
“Busy” indicator........................... 42
2 Shutter-speed lock icon................. 96
3 Flexible program indicator............. 89
4 Exposure mode............................. 87
5 Memory card indicator............ 23, 28
6 Focus area .................................... 76
AF-area mode..........................78–81
7 Flash sync mode ......................... 112
8 Number of exposures
remaining..................................... 28
Number of shots remaining
before memory buffer fi lls............. 44
Capture mode indicator.............. 236
9 Aperture stop indicator........... 93, 95
10 Aperture (f/-number) ...............87–96
Aperture (number of stops)..... 93, 95
Bracketing increment.......... 101, 105
Number of shots per interval....... 125
Maximum aperture
(non-CPU lens)............................ 133
PC mode indicator...................... 236
11 Battery indicator ........................... 27
12 Frame count ................................. 28
13 “K” (appears when memory remains
for over 1000 exposures) .............. 51
14 FV lock indicator......................... 114
15 Sync indicator............................. 113
16 Clock battery indicator.......... 19, 255
17 GPS connection indicator............ 135
18 High-speed crop indicator............. 41
Exposure compensation indicator
... 99
20 Interval timer indicator................ 127
21 Multiple exposure indicator......... 121
22 Aperture lock icon ........................ 96
23 Image comment indicator........... 217
24 Exposure bracketing indicator..... 100
White-balance bracketing
indicator..................................... 105
25 Electronic analog exposure
display.......................................... 95
Exposure compensation................ 99
Bracketing progress
PC mode indicator...................... 236