Connections—Connecting to a Computer
Connecting the USB Cable
Turn the computer on and wait for it to start up.
Turn the camera off.
Connect the UC-E4 USB cable as shown. Connect the camera directly to
the computer; do not connect the cable via a USB hub or keyboard.
Turn the camera on. If Mass Storage is se-
lected for USB,
will be displayed in the rear
control panel and viewfi nder. The aperture
display in the top control panel will also show
, and the PC mode indicator will fl ash (if
PTP is selected, the camera displays will only
change when Camera Control Pro is running).
Photographs can be transferred to the com-
puter as described in the PictureProject Refer-
ence Manual (on CD).
If Camera Control Pro is run ning, the top con-
trol panel will show
in place of the number
of exposures remaining. Any photographs
taken will be re cord ed to the com put er hard
disk rath er than the cam era mem o ry card. See the Camera Control Pro
User’s Man u al for more in for ma tion.
Do Not Turn the Camera Off
Do not turn the camera off while transfer is in progress.