dvanced Options: Color Balance
For a complete description of color balanc-
ing, see “Color Balancing a Wall of Mar-
gays” on page 52.
Color Temperature sets the color tempera-
ture to one of four fixed values (3200K,
5500K, 6500K, 8500K) or to Custom. The
fixed temperatures have preset values for
all the White and Gray settings and are
used primarily in single Margay installa-
Custom is the one for color balancing a wall
of Margays.
Gamma changes the colors slightly for Film
or Video display. Use Film for deeper reds.
Use Video for optimal brightness.
White Boost can increase the brightness of
the brightest parts of the picture. Settings
are Off, Medium, High. Using this control
may alter slightly some of the brighter col-
ors. If used, it should be used on all cubes.
It will be more difficult to color balance a
wall if White Boost is used.