The final step of the installation is to
establish the system’s defaults. It is
helpful to take a few minutes to famil-
iarize yourself with these settings, as
they may require change before the
first use and later from time to time.
Make certain that the DVD280 is
properly connected to a video display,
and that power is connected. Turn the
DVD280 on by first pressing in the
Main Power On/Off 1 and then
pressing the Power On Button 2a.
For this process, however, you do not
need to load a disc into the unit.
On-Screen Menu System
The DVD280 uses an elegant but
simple on-screen menu system for
setup and control functions. Activate
the system by pressing the Setup
Button T. The system may be acti-
vated whether or not a disc has been
loaded, whether or not that disc is
currently playing, and even when the
unit has been paused. As described
throughout the manual, some func-
tions may or may not be available,
depending on whether a disc is
loaded or playing.
The menu displays will remain on-
screen until you press the Setup
Button T again, or the Clear Button
q, to clear them. However, during
DVD playback, the menu system will
remain on-screen for only three sec-
onds. The menus are translucent, so
that you may still view the program
material through them.
There are two main menus, the Player
Menu and the Setup Menu, each of
which also contains several sub-
menus. The Player Menu displays
information about the current disc,
and allows you to program play of the
disc. The Setup Menu displays the
settings for the player, and enables
you to configure the audio and video
The menu system is navigated using
the Navigation
⁄/¤/‹/› Buttons
fh, and selections are made
using the Enter Button 8. When an
icon or word on-screen is highlighted
so that it looks like a button, you may
select it by pressing the Enter Button
8. The item will then appear to be a
depressed button. An instruction will
appear on the bottom of the screen
directing you to take further action or
to choose from a list of options, one
of which will be highlighted. A trian-
gle displayed to the right of the
options means that additional options
may be viewed by scrolling to the
right using the Navigation ‹/›
Buttons h. Similarly, a triangle
displayed to the left of the options
means that additional options may be
viewed by scrolling to the left.
Throughout this manual, when you
are asked to “scroll” in a certain
direction, or move the cursor, it
means to use the Navigation
⁄/¤‹/› Buttons fh to move
the visible cursor or to cause a new
icon to appear highlighted on-screen.
When you are asked to select an
icon, it means to use the Navigation
⁄/¤/‹/› Buttons fh until the
icon is highlighted, and then to press
the Enter Button i.
Configuring the DVD280
The DVD280 is configured for the first
time by accessing the Setup Menu.
Press the Setup Button T, and
scroll to the right to highlight “Setup”.
The Setup Menu will appear (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1
The Setup Menu consists of four
submenus, represented by icons
stacked on the left side of the screen:
System, Audio, Video and Video
Adjustments. These settings are nor-
mally made only once, and remain in
effect as long as the DVD280 is not
reset or unplugged for more than two
weeks. However, you may go back
later and adjust any settings, as
System Submenu Settings
The System submenu should be
active. If it isn’t, move the cursor to
highlight its icon and select it by
pressing the Enter Button 8.
The System submenu contains several
global settings that affect the operation
of the player. Review this section and
make sure that the settings are
appropriate for your system.
The Display Language setting allows
you to select the language in which
the DVD280’s control menus and mes-
sages appear. By default, the DVD280
will display menus and other messages
in English. If you wish to display mes-
sages in a different language, move
the cursor to the right and up or down
until the current setting for Display
Language is highlighted, and select it.
The options for other languages will be
displayed on the bottom of the screen.
Move the cursor to the desired lan-
guage and select it (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
The Subtitle Language setting allows
you to select the language that will be
used to display the subtitles that
accompany a DVD’s audio track. You
may select the language, or turn the
Subtitle system off altogether. After
the Subtitle setting has been selected,
scroll to the right through the options
to reveal additional options, including
“Other” and “Off” (see Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3
Figure 4
The “Other” option allows you to
enter a code for another language
from the list shown on page 45 of
this manual.
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