● Camera Title (CAMERA TITLE)
Camera title and display position are specified for each
1. In the DISPLAY SETUP menu, move the cursor to CAM-
ERA TITLEO, and press the JogDial to open the CAM-
2. Move the cursor to the camera you wish to program
using the [D] or [C] button.
3. Select either ON or OFF with the JogDial.
The default is ON for all cameras.
ON: Enables camera title display, title registration, and
position selection.
OFF: Disables the camera title functions.
4. Press the JogDial (SET) to validate the selection.
When ON is selected, go to the following steps. The
cursor moves to the title edit area.
When OFF is selected, return to step 2 above, or press
the [SETUP/ESC] button to escape from the CAMERA
TITLE menu.
5. <Editing>
5-1 Select a character for the digit with the JogDial.
Each title is identical to the camera number: 1, 2, 3,
and so forth as the default.
Available characters are as follows.
0 ~ 9 A ~ Z ! % &
( ) * – / : . ?
←→↑↓ •
5-2 Press the JogDial to validate the selection for the
The selected character is displayed on the digit,
and the cursor goes to the right digit.
5-3 Press the [C] button to move the cursor back to the
previous digit.
5-4 Repeat steps 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 until all digits are
5-5 Press the JogDial when the cursor is on the right
end digit to validate the entered title. The cursor
moves to the POSI. column.
Note: A bullet (centered dot) stands for a space used
for deleting entered characters.
6. Select a display position with the JogDial.
The default setting for cameras 1, 2, 5, and 6 is R-
LOWER, for cameras 3, 4, 7, and 8 R-UPPER.
R-LOWER: Displays the camera title in the lower right
R-UPPER: Displays the camera title in the upper right
L-LOWER: Displays the camera title in the lower left
L-UPPER: Displays the camera title in the upper left
Note: When the 9-split screen is displayed, the camera title
position is fixed to R-LOWER.
7. Press the [D] or [C] button to select the next item, or
press the [SETUP/ESC] button to quit the display setup.
■ System Setup (SYSTEM SETUP)
There are two pages of the system setup. To turn a new
page, continue to move the cursor with the [D] or [C] but-