• Areas adjacent to the time and date display will be
excluded from VMD when TIME&DATE EMB is set
to ON. Set it to OFF when you need to include these
• VMD should be used when the input to the unit is
from an ordinary camera. Select [OFF] to avoid use-
less VMD when a video multiplexer or combination
camera supplies the input to the unit.
• Set ALARM SUSPEND to ON when you do not want
VMD to be activated during the VMD setup.
• There may be cases where VMD does not suffi-
ciently detect changes, since it detects the
changes in luminance.
• The detection area may include areas slightly out-
side the border.
• The buzzer will beep if detection takes place during
the area setup.
4. Set the upper-left end of the detection area. Move the
asterisk to the right or left with the JogDial, and up or
down by pressing the [D] or [C] button.
5. Press the JogDial to enter the upper-left end of the
detection area. The asterisk position is highlighted.
6. Set the bottom-right end of the detection area similar to
steps 3 and 4 above.
7. Press the JogDial. The area is highlighted.
Up to 4 areas can be selected. These may partially
overlap. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to select more areas. To
deselect an area, move the cursor to the upper-left end
of the area, and press the JogDial.
■ Communication Setup
Communication parameters are set to match those of the
connected devices and the system configuration. The serial
port setup and network setup are made.
■ Serial Port Setup
The SERIAL PORT SETUP menu appears when it is select-
Note: Parameters marked with * on the following pages are
default settings applicable to RS-232C.
● Protocol (PROTOCOL)
1. Move the cursor to PROTOCOL with the [D] or [C] but-
2. Select a suitable protocol with the JogDial, and press
the JogDial.
The default is PS