2.2.2 Volume and mute control setting
When the remote control is set to STB mode the
Volume +/Volume -/Mute buttons can either control the
corresponding functions of your TV sets or the
corresponding function of your digital receiver. Refer to
chapters or
Note: we recommend Volume and mute control via your digital
receiver. Refer to chapter for setting. You want the remote to control the volume
and mute via your digital receiver
To set the volume/mute control to STB.
1 Select the STB mode.
2 Press simultaneously 1 and 9 buttons until the LED blinks
twice then release the buttons.
3 Enter code 993, the LED is blinking once after each digit
4 Press the "green" button, the LED shall blink twice to
acknowledge the new setting. You want the remote to control the volume
and mute of your TV set /Set volume control
to TV.
The factory setting of your remote is set to allow the
control of the volume /mute of a Philips TV set. If your TV
set has a different brand check in the TV brand list what
code(s) might apply then change the setting of your
remote control according to the method described in
chapter 9.1.
Note: to set or reset the volume/mute control to TV follow
procedure below:
1- Select the STB mode.
2- Press simultaneously 1 and 9 buttons until the LED blinks
twice then release the buttons.
3- Enter code 993, the LED is blinking once after each entry.
4- Press the "yellow" button, the LED shall blink twice to
acknowledge the new setting.
2.2.3 Changing the brand setting of your
remote control for TV, VCR, DVD or
Refer to chapter 9 for brand setting procedure.
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