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Co..ecfi_¢ a V(_, ame..a, cable IV,,or eamcolJer
Items needed:
¢* Coaxial cables
*:* Standard AV cables
If you have amono VCR, connect L/MONO on the TV to your
VCR's audio out terminal using the white audio cable only.
¢* Standard audio cable
NOTE Themenusettingmayneedto bechangedinordertowatchtheshared
NOTE Whenyouuseacablebox,youmaynotbeableto usetheremotecontrol
ColorStreamTM HDorVideo,switchAVinputmodeappropriately.
To view the antenna or cable signal:
Select ANT/CABLE video input source on the TV.*
To view basic and premium cable channels:
Turn off the VCR. Select the ANT/CABLE video input source on
the TV.* Tune the TV to channel 3or 4 (whichever channel the
cable box output is set to). Use the cable box controls to change
Toview the VCR or camcorder video:
Turn on the VCR or camcorder video. Select VIDEO input source
on the TV.*
*To select the video input source, press the INPUT button on the
remote control, see "Selecting the video input source" on page 54.
NOTE Theunauthorizedrecording,use,distribution,or revisionoftelevision
programs,videotapes,DVDs,andothermaterialsis prohibitedunderthe