6 Setting upyourTV
MediaSoare (14deos, Music, and I°hotos)
4 The focuswilljump to one of the supported devices atthe bottom,
select one ofthem, and then press the OK button.
(&mTple Image) MediaShare setup ,s'cl'eetz
NOTE ¢, Theviewerwill openevenif therearenophotoormusicfiles.
¢ WhiletheMediaShareisactive,themainmenuscannotbedisplayed.
There are three types of view modes: multi view, single view, and
slide show. Within Slide show, you can skip forward, repeat, and set
time interval.
This view allows you to search for photos in a grid format.
(Sample Image) Media PlcO,- photos screet_
To use nmlti view:
1 Press the A /T/.,4/1_ (arrow) buttons to move the highlight in
one window. If all of the photos will not fit in one screen, the
screen will move to the previous page when you press 4 from
the top left icon. When you press I_ from the bottom right icon,
the screen will move to the next page. You can also use the
A/T (arrow) buttons to page up or down the in photo list when
there are more photos than will fit on one screen.