SettingupyourTV 69
NOTE Iftheprogramorvideoyouselectedisnotclosedcaptioned,nocaptions
To view text, highlight T1, T2, T3, or T4.
(Sample I/h_,s'tratiol¢) Cagtiolls - text
NOTE Iftextisnotavailableinyourarea,ablackrectanglemayappearon
screen.Ifthishappens,settheBaseCCModeto Off.
To turn off closed caption mode, select Off in step 2 above.
NOTE Aclosedcaptionsignalmaynotdisplayinthefollowingsituations:
¢ Whenarecordinghasbeendubbed
¢ Whenthesignalreceptionisweak
¢ Whenthesignalreceptionisnon-standard
DigitalCCse ings
You can customize the closed caption display characteristics by
changing the background color, opacity, text size, type, edge, and
NOTE .:. Thesesettingsareavailablefordigitalchannelsonly.
¢ YoucannotsetCaptionTextandBackgroundasthesamecolor.
To customize closed captions:
1 In Options menu, highlight Closed Captions, and d_enpress d_e
OK button.
2 Highlight Digital CC Settings, and then press the OK button.