VXI Technology, Inc.
44 CT-400 Installation
After the successful installation of rack mount accessories, the chassis is ready for installation of
the VXIbus base units (i.e. an SMP1100, SMP1200, etc.). It is recommended that the instruments
be installed after rack mount accessories have been installed to avoid any unnecessary physical
strains that may be incurred during the installation of the accessories. Whether single- or double-
wide, the process of installation is simple.
Required Tools
1) Phillips head screw driver
Installation Procedure
Install C-size modules directly into the mainframe as follows:
1) To prevent damage to the module, insure the mainframe is powered off.
2) Insert the module into the mainframe by aligning it with both the upper and lower card guide
of the desired slot. The card guide for the module is the right, longer guide-pair of each guide
3) Gently push the module into the slot until it seats into the backplane connectors. The front
panel of the module should be flush with mainframe.
4) Tighten the mounting screws at the top and bottom of the module.