Chapter 2: Task Guide
Using Symbols
section will be read completely. This can occur if the file was created
without a "generate debugger information" flag (usually -g). Using the -
g will create a Dwarf or Stabs debug section in addition to the ELF
StabsType=0 Reader will determine stabs type (Default)
StabsType=1 Older style stabs
(Older style stabs have individual symbol
tables for each file that was linked into
the target executable, the indexes of each
symbol table restart at 0 for each file.)
StabsType=2 Newer style stabs
(New style stabs have a single symbol table
where all symbols are merged into a large
symbol array).
ReadOnlyTicoffPage tells the ticoff reader to read only the symbols
associated with the specified page (as an example
'ReadOnlyTicoffPage=0' reads only page 0 symbols). A value of -1 tells
the ticoff readers to read symbols associated with all pages.
ReadOnlyTicoffPage=-1 Read all symbols associated will all
ticoff pages (Default)
ReadOnlyTicoffPage=p Read only symbols associated with
page 'p' (where p is any integer
between 0 and n the last page of
the object file).
AppendTicoffPage tells the ticoff reader to append the page number to
the symbol value. This assumes that the symbol value is 16-bits wide
and that that page number is a low positive number which can be ORed
into the upper 16 bits of an address to create a new 32-bit symbol
address. For example, if the page is 10 decimal and the symbol address
is 0xF100 then the new symbol address will be 0xAF100.
AppendTicoffPage=1 Append the ticoff page to the symbol
AppendTicoffPage=0 Do not append the ticoff page to the
symbol address (Default)
Examples Example for Elf/Stabs