Using the Touchscreen:
Position your finger over the item,
then press and hold finger to the
screen. While holding the finger
down, slide the finger along the
screen dragging the item to a new
location. When the item is positioned
where you want it, release your
edge mode In an oscilloscope, this
is the trigger mode that causes a
trigger based on a single channel
edge, either rising or falling.
edge terms Logic analyzer trigger
resources that allow detection of
transitions on a signal. An edge term
can be set to detect a rising edge,
falling edge, or either edge. Some
logic analyzers can also detect no
edge or a glitch on an input signal.
Edges are specified by selecting
arrows. The dot (.) ignores the bit.
The asterisk (*) specifies a glitch on
the bit.
emulation module A module
within the logic analysis system
mainframe that provides an
emulation connection to the debug
port of a microprocessor. An E5901A
emulation module is used with a
target interface module (TIM) or an
analysis probe. An E5901B emulation
module is used with an E5900A
emulation probe.
emulation probe The stand-alone
equivalent of an emulation module.
Most of the tasks which can be
performed using an emulation
module can also be performed using
an emulation probe connected to
your logic analysis system via a LAN.
emulator An emulation module or
an emulation probe.
Ethernet address See link-level
events Events are the things you
are looking for in your target system.
In the logic analyzer interface, they
take a single line. Examples of events
are Label1 = XX and Timer 1 > 400
filter expression The filter
expression is the logical OR
combination of all of the filter terms.
States in your data that match the
filter expression can be filtered out or
passed through the Pattern Filter.
filter term A variable that you
define in order to specify which
states to filter out or pass through.
Filter terms are logically OR'ed
together to create the filter
Format The selections under the
logic analyzer Format tab tell the