Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
Slow or Missing Clock
The message "Slow or Missing Clock" only appears in state
measurements. However, if you have another instrument armed by the
state analyzer, a slow or missing clock on the state analyzer will prevent
the other instrument from triggering also.
Possible Causes
• Target system is not running properly
Check that the system is running properly. The logic analyzer and other
probing fixtures such as pin extenders can place too much capacitive load
on a system.
• Incorrect clock specification
Make sure the device under test clock matches the clock specified under
Also check that the probe's clock channels are attached to the device
under test's clock lines either directly or through an analysis probe.
If you are using an analysis probe, the probe's User's Guide should show
the correct connections and settings.
• Bad probe connection
Check that the probe is securely attached to the clock line and is receiving
a signal. The logic analyzer shows activity indicators under the Sampling
and Format tabs.
• Incorrect signal level
The clock's threshold level is set by the pod threshold. For the logic
analyzer's J clock, check the pod threshold of pod 1 of the master card.
Timer value checked as an event, but no start
action specified
This warning occurs because you have used a timer in your trigger
sequence, but have not started it with either Start from reset or