Chapter 3: Reference
The Symbols Tab
func1 and func2 are adjacent to each other in physical memory, with
func2 following func1. In order to trigger on func2 without getting a
false trigger from a prefetch beyond the end of func1, you need to add
an offset value to your label value. The offset value must be equal to or
greater than the prefetch depth of the processor. In this case, you
would add an offset of 16 bytes to your label value. You would set the
value of the "Offset By" field to 10 hex. Now, when you specify func2 as
your label value, the logic analyzer will trigger on address func2+10.
Align to x Byte Option
Most processors do not fetch instructions from memory on byte
boundaries. In order to trigger a logic analyzer on a symbol at an odd-
numbered address, the address must be masked off. The "Align to x
Byte" option allows you to mask off an address.
Assume the symbol "main" occurs at address 100F. The processor being
probed is a 68040, which fetches instructions on long-word (4-byte)
boundaries. In order to trigger on address 100F, the Align to x Byte
option sets the two least-significant address bits to "don't cares". This
qualifies any address from 100C through 100F.
Symbol File Formats
The logic analysis system can read symbol files in the following
• IEEE-695
For ELF/DWARF1, ELF/stabs, and ELF/stabs/Mdebug files, C++
symbols are demangled so that they can be displayed in the original