Error Messages 170
Must assign Pod 1 on the master card to specify actions for flags 171
Branch expression is too complex 171
Cannot specify range on label with clock bits that span pod pairs 176
Counter value checked as an event, but no increment action specified 177
Goto action specifies an undefined level 177
Maximum of 32 Channels Per Label 177
Hardware Initialization Failed 178
Must assign another pod pair to specify actions for flags 178
No more Edge/Glitch resources available for this pod pair 178
No more Pattern resources available for this pod pair 179
No Trigger action found in the trace specification 179
Slow or Missing Clock 180
Timer value checked as an event, but no start action specified 180
Trigger function initialization failure 181
Trigger inhibited during timing prestore 182
Trigger Specification is too complex 182
Waiting for Trigger 184
Analyzer armed from another module contains no "Arm in from IMB"
event 185
Specifications and Characteristics 186
Agilent 16750A/B Logic Analyzer Specifications 186
Agilent 16750A/B Logic Analyzer Characteristics 186
What is a Specification? 189
What is a Characteristic? 189