Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
• An inequality compare (<,<=,>,>=) with a split label pattern event
requires 2 combiner resources.
• A range on a split label pattern event requires 4 combiner resources.
• The event list in the custom store qualification dialog also allocates
combiner resources from the same pool of 16 resources. If the store
qualification event list equation is the same as one of the branch event list
equations in the trigger sequence, the combiner resource will be shared. A
unique store qualification event list requires the allocation of 1 (or more)
of the combiner resources.
• 333/400/800/1250 MHz state modes requires many more combiner
resources to implement the same trigger sequence as compared to 167/200
MHz state modes and all timing modes. Refer the discussion of complexity
in the Branch expression is too complex help topic.
Waiting for Trigger
This message indicates that the specified trigger pattern has not
occurred. This may be expected, as when you are waiting to trigger on
an unusual event.
Possible Causes
• Misaligned boundaries for addresses
When the device under test is a microprocessor that fetches only from
long-word aligned addresses, if the trigger is set to look for an opcode
fetch at an address that is not properly aligned, the trigger will never be
• Trigger set incorrectly
Some strategies you can use when verifying or debugging trigger
sequence levels are:
• Look at the run status message line or open the Run Status window. It will
tell you what level of the sequence the logic analyzer is in.
• Stop the measurement and look at the data that was captured. This is