To select transitional timing or store qualified 37
More on Store Qualification in Transitional Timing 38
More on Storing Transitions 38
Transitional Timing Considerations 39
Selecting the State Mode (Synchronous Sampling) 43
In Either Timing Mode or State Mode 52
Using 2 GHz Timing Zoom 54
Formatting Labels for Logic Analyzer Probes 57
To assign pods to one or two analyzers 57
To set pod threshold voltages 58
To assign probe channels to labels 59
To change the label polarity 61
To reorder bits in a label 61
To turn labels off or on 62
Setting Up Triggers and Running Measurements 64
Using Trigger Functions 65
Using State Mode Trigger Features 70
Editing the Trigger Sequence 72
Editing Advanced Trigger Functions 78
Saving/Recalling Trigger Setups 85
Running Measurements 86
Displaying Captured Data 88
To open Waveform or Listing displays 88
To display Timing Zoom data 89
To use other display tools 90
If the captured data doesn't look correct 92
If there are filtered data holes in display memory 92
To display symbols for data values 93
To cancel the display processing of captured data 94