Chapter 2: Task Guide
Setting Up Triggers and Running Measurements
that follow one another, you need to use multiple levels in the trigger
For example, multiple levels in the trigger sequence let you trigger on a
particular function calling sequence or capture only the execution
within a particular program loop.
• “To insert/replace/delete sequence levels” on page 73
• “To cut/copy-and-paste sequence levels” on page 74
• “To specify a level's goto or trigger action” on page 74
• “To send e-mail when the trigger occurs” on page 75
• “To view a picture of the trigger sequence” on page 77
• “To clear the trigger sequence” on page 77
See Also “Sequence Levels” on page 194 in “Understanding Logic Analyzer
Triggering” on page 192
To insert/replace/delete sequence levels
To insert sequence levels
1. In the Trigger tab's Trigger Sequence area, select the level that you want to
insert before or after.
A yellow box appears around the level.
2. In the Trigger Functions subtab, select the trigger function you want to
A picture describing the trigger function is shown.
3. Select the Insert before or Insert after button, or select the level button
and choose Insert LEVEL before or Insert LEVEL after.
To replace sequence levels
1. In the Trigger tab's Trigger Sequence area, select the level that you want to
A yellow box appears around the level.
2. In the Trigger Functions subtab, select the trigger function you want to