Chapter 2: Task Guide
Formatting Labels for Logic Analyzer Probes
“To turn labels off or on” on page 62
“To change the label polarity” on page 61
To change the label polarity
While negative logic is rare in circuits (the main exception at this time
is RAMBUS), you can change the label polarity if the device under test
uses negative logic.
1. In the Format tab, select the polarity button (next to the label button) to
toggle between positive (+) and negative (-) polarity.
Positive polarity means that a high voltage is a logic "1".
Negative polarity means that a high voltage is a logic "0".
Changing the label polarity will have the following effects:
• "1" and "0" values flip in the trigger condition.
• Waveforms and bus values (where shown) invert in the Waveform display
• "1" and "0" values flip in the Listing display tool.
Changing the label polarity does not affect:
• Edge definitions for clock setup and edge terms.
• Symbol definitions for the logic analyzer.
• Activity indicators.
To reorder bits in a label
In cases where buses in the device under test haven't been probed with
consecutive logic analyzer channels, you can reorder the bits in a label.
1. In the Format tab, select the label button whose bits you want to reorder.
2. Choose Reorder bits.