Chapter 2: Task Guide
To select transitional timing or store qualified
(The actual sampling position is in the middle of the setup/hold
See Also “Understanding State Mode Sampling Positions” on page 208
“To automatically adjust sampling positions” on page 47
In Either Timing Mode or State Mode
• “To specify the trigger position” on page 52
• “To set acquisition memory depth” on page 53
• “To name an analyzer” on page 53
• “To turn an analyzer off or on” on page 53
To specify the trigger position
1. In the Sampling tab (or in the Settings subtab of the Trigger tab), select
the trigger position.
Specify whether you want to look at data after the trigger (Start), before
and after the trigger (Center), before the trigger (End), or use a
percentage of the logic analyzer's memory for data after the trigger (User
In Conventional Timing Mode, when a Run is started, the analyzer will