Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
Counter value checked as an event, but no
increment action specified
This warning occurs because you have used a counter in your trigger
sequence, but do not have Counter Increment as an action. You do not
need to increment the counter in the same sequence level. The counter
event will still function, but will not change value. The default value for
both counters is 0.
Goto action specifies an undefined level
The "undefined level" messages mean that the trigger sequence
contains goto statements that point to non-existent levels. This is
detected when the trigger sequence is evaluated. The logic analyzer
will not run if there are undefined levels, even if there is no possibility
of the goto sequence being called.
Possible Causes
• The last sequence level calls "goto next"
To check this, select the Overview subtab under the Trigger tab.
To fix, find the "goto next" statement and change it to point to an
existing level.
Maximum of 32 Channels Per Label
The logic analyzer can only assign up to 32 channels for each label. If
you need more than 32 channels, assign them to two labels and use the
labels in conjunction.