pointing device, to click an item,
position the cursor over the item.
Then quickly press and release the
left mouse button.
clock channel A logic analyzer
channel that can be used to carry the
clock signal. When it is not needed
for clock signals, it can be used as a
data channel, except in the Agilent
Technologies 16517A.
context record A context record is
a small segment of analyzer memory
that stores an event of interest along
with the states that immediately
preceded it and the states that
immediately followed it.
context store If your analyzer can
perform context store
measurements, you will see a button
labeled Context Store under the
Trigger tab. Typical context store
measurements are used to capture
writes to a variable or calls to a
subroutine, along with the activity
preceding and following the events. A
context store measurement divides
analyzer memory into a series of
context records. If you have a 64K
analyzer memory and select a 16-
state context, the analyzer memory is
divided into 4K 16-state context
records. If you have a 64K analyzer
memory and select a 64-state
context, the analyzer memory will be
divided into 1K 64-state records.
count The count function records
periods of time or numbers of state
transactions between states stored in
memory. You can set up the analyzer
count function to count occurrences
of a selected event during the trace,
such as counting how many times a
variable is read between each of the
writes to the variable. The analyzer
can also be set up to count elapsed
time, such as counting the time spent
executing within a particular function
during a run of your target program.
cross triggering Using intermodule
capabilities to have measurement
modules trigger each other. For
example, you can have an external
instrument arm a logic analyzer,
which subsequently triggers an
oscilloscope when it finds the trigger
data channel A channel that
carries data. Data channels cannot be
used to clock logic analyzers.
data field A data field in the pattern
generator is the data value associated
with a single label within a particular
data vector.
data set A data set is made up of all
labels and data stored in memory of
any single analyzer machine or