Chapter 2: Task Guide
Displaying Captured Data
• In Waveform displays, Timing Zoom and the regular data are in different
windows. To view them together, select Edit -> Insert from the menu bar.
• In Waveform displays, if Timing Zoom and regular data do not correspond,
check that the display is set to Seconds/div. Because Timing Zoom has a
smaller sample period, when the display is set to Samples/div the data
become more divergent the farther from the trigger you scroll.
To use other display tools
You can add display tools to your logic analyzer via the Workspace
1. Select the Workspace button (or from the Window menu, select System
and Workspace).
2. In the Workspace window, scroll down to the Display portion of the tool
icon list.
3. Drag the display tool icon and drop it on the analyzer icon.
4. To open the display tool, select its icon and choose the Display command.
You can use the Chart display tool to chart the data on a label over