Chapter 3: Reference
Importing Netlist and ASCII Files
"From Eye Finder: After hardware calibration, the sampling positions for the
following channels may have shifted out of the selected stable region by the
amount shown: CHANNEL: AMOUNT ps ... (NNN more)"
Each time a measurement is started, the hardware is re-calibrated. The
new calibration values are checked against those used when the eye
finder measurements were taken. This message indicates that the
sampling positions for the given CHANNELs may have drifted out of
the stable region. The measurement is taken anyway, but you may want
to treat the results with caution and run eye finder again (or manually
adjust the sample position away from the indicated unstable region).
"Hardware calibration failed"
Something isn't as expected about the hardware and/or the cables and
connections between boards. To get detailed messages, start an
ordinary run or run PV.
"Measurement Canceled"
The measurement was stopped. No change was made to the results
displayed. A run is stopped by user request or when the Sampling
Positions dialog is closed or iconified.
"No labels defined with channels for the analyzer."
Define one or more labels with channels in the Format tab of the
analyzer's Setup window.
No labels are defined for the analyzer. Eye finder cannot be run until
one or more labels are defined with one or more channels assigned.
"No labels or channels selected for running Eye Finder."
Select one or more labels in the "Eye Finder Setup" tab.
All labels defined for the analyzer are listed in the Eye Finder Setup
page. None are currently selected (selected labels are highlighted).
Select one or more labels for measurement by eye finder.
"Repetitive runs stopped"
The measurement was stopped. Data from the last measurement which
completed fully are retained. Repetitive runs are stopped by user