2-33 Thumbnails (DocBuilder)
The Thumbnail B window can also display thumbnails of a raster job, and
the document displayed in Thumbnail B can be used as a source for editing
the document shown in Thumbnail A.
NOTE: Be careful not to delete all pages of a job in Thumbnail A without first
saving a copy of the job.
You can merge documents by dragging (copying) one or more entire pages
from Thumbnail B to Thumbnail A. This creates a new document in the
Thumbnail A window. If you select one or more pages in the Thumbnail A
window, the commands in the Page menu give you additional editing
possibilities. (Most of the Page menu commands are also made available by
right-clicking pages in Thumbnail A.) Multiple undos of Page menu
commands are possible.
You can merge pages from multiple documents into the Thumbnail A
document by opening documents one after another in the Thumbnail B
window. Documents in the Thumbnail B window are view-only, and while
you can copy pages from Thumbnail B to Thumbnail A, you cannot edit the
Thumbnail B document. A merged document that you create in Thumbnail
A can be saved (with a different name) as a new raster data file.
For more information, see “Merging raster files with DocBuilder” on
page 3-12.
Thumbnail B (source)
Thumbnail A (target)
Click here to close Thumbnail B window
Click here to close Thumbnail A window
Click to expand or retract
the Thumbnail B window
Click to expand or retract
Thumbnail A window